Oct 20 – 21, 2022
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Europe/Rome timezone

Posters session

If you want to present your work in the poster session, please submit an abstract here.

If you have not an Indico account, please create a user account to Indico here.

Poster Information 

The space available for each poster is 70 centimeters wide by 100 centimeters tall and posters must be prepared and printed before arriving to the conference.

Please, note that there are a lot of stationeries nearby the university (in particular in Viale Ippocrate) where you can print your poster.

Posters will be presented on the 21st of October 2022 at lunchtime

13:30-14:30 library of Statistics 

Poster presenters have to stick the posters on the totem poles on the morning of 21st October